On Mon, 2005-12-12 at 11:27 +0100, Dominik Saar wrote:
Hi girls,
trying to use the quota and trash plugins with dovecot-1.0-alpha5, but becomes:
libquota_plugin.so: undefined symbol: dict_transaction_commit libimap_quota_plugin.so: undefined symbol: quota libtrash_plugin.so: undefined symbol: quota
Like I said in alpha5 announcement, I hadn't had time to test them at all yet. One problem with this is that I need to add some kind of dependencies so that quota plugin gets loaded before imap_quota and trash plugins.
Maybe it's good enough to allow plugins to have <number>_ prefix in the filename and the plugins are loaded in that order? Although that's bit annoying.
Lazy symbol resolving would fix it too, but probably not a good idea to use it.
Yet another way would be trying to load them in different orders until one succeeds. But that's a waste of CPU time.
Another thing I hadn't thought of was how to link libdict. Using sql backend would require linking all SQL libraries with imap and lda binaries, and that's kind of useless for most people.. Maybe I'll just do the separate dict-server binary and link the non-internal dict backends only to it, and if someone wants something else they can play with the makefiles and adding some dict_register_class() calls.