On Wed, 2019-02-20 at 10:18 +0100, Martin Johannes Dauser via dovecot wrote:
You forgot the wildcard '.*' (= Match zero or more instances of any single character, except newline)
require ["regex"]; # rule:[test] if header :regex "from" ".*info$" { redirect "subbs@domain.com"; }
With this rule, you are filtering emails from toplevel domain '*.info' or new domains that might occur in future (e.g '*.superinfo'). If you want to restrict to classic tld '*.info' change the regex to
Oh, and if you want to include a TLD like "*.superinfos" The regex needs to be
The draft lists a table of common regex in section2: https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-murchison-sieve-regex-08#section-2
There are online regex checker like https://regex101.com thought not specific to sieve's regex, which can be used to test your regular expressions. Sieve's regex are quite standard though.
Greetings Martin
On Wed, 2019-02-20 at 14:00 +0530, subin ks via dovecot wrote:
I've Dovecot and dovecot-sieve v 2.2.27 installed on a Debian 9.6. I'm trying to set a Sieve filter which will redirect all emails from
(i.e. .info) TLD to another email. This is the filter:require ["regex"]; # rule:[test] if header :regex "from" "info$" { redirect "subbs@domain.com"; }
It's not being honored; all emails from .info TLD ends up in the inbox and none are redirected. Let me know what I'm doing wrong.