On 11 Apr 2019, at 11.00, Pabsky via dovecot <dovecot@dovecot.org> wrote:

Thanks AKI! I'm a step closer to achieving my goals. 

However, I'm getting a new error as indicated from below:

Apr 11 01:45:34 lmtp(user@mydomain.com)<20801><pVlIEJ7wrlxBUQAAUdwEFQ>: Debug: push-notification-ox: Skipped because not active (/private/vendor/vendor.dovecot/pvt/server/vendor/vendor.dovecot/http-notify METADATA not set)
Apr 11 01:45:34 lmtp(user@mydomain.com)<20801><pVlIEJ7wrlxBUQAAUdwEFQ>: Debug: push-notification: Push notification transaction completed

By the way, the file /private/vendor/vendor.dovecot/pvt/server/vendor/vendor.dovecot/http-notify does not exist on my server.

It's not supposed to be a file. It's supposed to be a attribute on the users INBOX. Also you need to enable imap metadata or appsuite can't set the attribute.
