Steffen Kaiser wrote:
I'm trying to compile dovecot-1.2-managesieve from hg repo with Dovecot v1.2 and I found that managesieve uses another "install" target/prefix than I've configured in Dovecot.
Is this intentional? This behavior is taken from the v1.1 cmusieve plugin package. Therefore, one must fully specify the necessary parameters for ./configure.
Because you must specify the compiled Dovecot sources, is managesieve just "loosly" connected to Dovecot so it would survive a Dovecot (minor) update, or do I need to compile managesieve each time as well? It will work, but the daemons will complain about version differences, unless you set version_ignore=yes.
If I need to compile each time, managesive should default to install into the same directory than Dovecot, shouldn't it? I tend to agree, but I am not sure how to achieve this appropriately (i.e. without using some kind of hideous hack). I will give this a look.