Hey Joseph Thanks. Strace seems like a very useful tool Only problem is that I dont think it is maintained on ubuntu. Tried to run:- apt-get install strace but could not download it. Might need to download and build it. Do you know any other way of getting it? Thanks Kevin A.
On Thu, Jan 29, 2015 at 3:34 PM, Joseph Tam <jtam.home@gmail.com> wrote:
Kevin writes:
Appreciate if you could help with this. I have been trying to address this
"slow search" issue for a while with very limited success(I was trying to implement FTS also), so I will appreciate if you could support.
When I'm stumped, one of the diagnostic tools I use is process tracing. Connect via IMAP, in another window/session process trace the IMAP worker process (Linux: strace -r -otrace.dump {pid})), initiate the search and quit. Then you can look through the trace and see whether it gets hung on a particular operation.
Joseph Tam <jtam.home@gmail.com>