- A.L.E.C <alec@alec.pl>:
On 06.12.2011 13:43, Patrick Ben Koetter wrote:
From my understanding RFC 6154 serves to flag some IMAP mailboxes in order to indicate they should be used for special use e.g. as trash folder etc.
I fail to see how RFC 6154 would help displaying localized mailbox names.
Ok. It will not help for existing folders, but will allow creation of special-use folders with any name.
Yes. And on top of that a MUA should detect these SPECIAL-USE folders and automagically map its special folders (trash, archive, sent, drafts, etc.) to the servers SPECIAL-USE mailboxes.
This should take place transparently and the special folders should carry localized mailbox names e.g. "Sent" or "Gesendet" or "..."
At least that was my motivation to initiate that RFC about two years ago and getting closer to that goal was the reason to sponsor this feature in Dovecot 2.1.
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