Dne 30.4.2013 03:28, Tim Groeneveld napsal:
Hi Guys,
I am wondering about mail deduplication. I am looking into the possibility of seperating out all of the message bodies with multiple parts inside mail that is recived from
and hashing them all.The idea is that by hashing all of the parts inside the email, I will be able to ensure that each part of the email will only be saved once.
This means that attachments & common parts of the body will only be saved once inside the storage.
How achievable would this be with the current state of dovecot? Would it even be worth doing?
Thanks, Tim
Hi Tim,
thank you for your question. I am pleasure, because I can help you. I had the same problem in past and there wasn’t solution. So, I have written script which count md5 hashes from receive date and message body. Then script compare md5 hashes and delete duplicated messages. Script uses doveadm for message manipulation and openssl for counting md5 hashes. Deduplication is done through all user’s mailboxes. Syntax is dedup <user> <mailbox>, for example:
dedup name@domain.cz INBOX.
If you want dedup all mailboxes, enter –A instead of mailbox name:
dedup name@domain.cz –A.
Script is attached. I made it for my own use, so it isn’t stupid proof. If I can advise to you, work with care and make a backup ;-)
Good luck
#! /bin/sh
# Remove duplicate messages from mainbox
function dedup_mailbox () { local uids=( $(doveadm -f flow fetch -u $1 "uid" mailbox "$2" all | cut -f 2 -d =) ) if [ ${#uids[@]} -eq 0 ]; then echo " No messages" return elif [ ${#uids[@]} -eq 1 ]; then echo " Only one message" return fi
for (( i=0; i<${#uids[@]}; i++ )); do local md5s_u[$i]=$(echo $(doveadm -f flow fetch -u $1 "date.received body" mailbox "$2" uid ${uids[$i]} | openssl md5)",${uids[$i]}") echo -en " Compute hashes: $i/${#uids[@]}(${md5s_u[$i]})\r" done
echo -en "
local md5s=( $(echo ${md5s_u[@]} | sed 's/ /\n/g' | sort) )
x=0 i=0 while [ $i -lt $((${#md5s[@]} - 1)) ]; do A=$(echo ${md5s[$i]} | cut -f 1 -d ,) for (( j=$(($i + 1)); j<${#md5s[@]}; j++ )); do B=$(echo ${md5s[$j]} | cut -f 1 -d ,) if [ $A == $B ]; then doveadm expunge -u $1 mailbox "$2" uid $(echo ${md5s[$j]} | cut -f 2 -d ,) x=$(($x + 1)) else break fi done
echo -en " Expunged $x message(s) from $(($j + 1))/${#md5s[@]}\r" i=$j done echo "" }
if [ $2 == "-A" ]; then eval boxes=( $(doveadm mailbox list -u $1 | sed 's/.*/"&"/') ); else boxes[0]=$2 fi
for (( k=0; k<${#boxes[@]}; k++ )); do echo "${boxes[$k]}:" dedup_mailbox $1 "${boxes[$k]}" done