16 Dec
16 Dec
3:24 a.m.
Timothy Murphy wrote: ...snip...
However, KMail does not seem to be able to collect email directly from alfred, even though I have added an entry in KMail=>Settings=>Configure KMail=>Network=>Receiving giving type imap, Name (dovecot), Login, Password, Host (alfred), Port (143). and Prefix to Folders "/var/spool/mail".
I'm not familiar with KMail, but if "Prefix to Folders" is a reference to the folders on the IMAP server, you'll probably want to leave this blank.
you're running KMail on 'alfred' as well? it's not moving the mail from the /var/spool/mail/<user> file to somewhere else when you read it, is it? that could also cause it to not appear on william during a check.