
That would explain the issues I am experiencing. I will try that. Problem I have is my /var/spool/mail or / partition is much small than home. I wonder if I can do a ln -s to get mail to actually store on /home?

Anyway, let me try your suggestion. I will probably have to look at removing my procmailrc statements regarding home.

I don't know how to do the sendmail thing either. I thought it was in /etc/profile but that didn't seem to have any effect.



On Wed, 2005-01-12 at 12:58 +0200, Timo Sirainen wrote:
On 12.1.2005, at 06:24, Steve Hickel wrote:

>  Not sure what to do next. Have imap working in that I can see 
> messages in inbox. When I create a folder it won't create one. Looking 
> at maillog shows that I don't have rights to folder 
> /var/spool/mail/.sent or whatever folder I am trying to create. I have 
> procmailrc and dovecot.conf point to /home/Maildir but for some reason 
> something is tied to /var/spool/mail. Of course I am running FC3 and 
> sendmail. Someone have any ideas as to what to try next?

Dovecot 0.99.x doesn't support mixed mbox/maildir setup. Either make 
sendmail deliver mails to ~/Maildir/ (I don't know how that's done) or 
use mbox folders. In any case your default_mail_env is most likely set 
wrong because it's treating /var/spool/mail as user's root mail 
directory. With mboxes it should be like:

default_mail_env = mbox:~/mail:INBOX=/var/spool/mail/%u
Steve Hickel <steve@korehicom.com>
Kore/HiCom Corporation