... Server: NetBSD/i386 2.1, AMD K6-2 450MHz RAM: 256MiB Number of Users: ~20 Authentication: passwd Mailboxes sizes: 2.5GiB (total, all users, maildir format) Dovecot version: 1.0-nightly (updated ~biweekly; currently 20060328) Email client software: pine, mutt, Thunderbird, Outlook, OE
Also running on the box: Insanely complex custom sendmail milter in perl, spamassassin & spamass-milter, clamav, plus non-mail stuff
Yeah, so I only have a dozen-plus users, so I can get away with a not-so-powerful box. Even so, my e-mail addresses have been around long enough that well more than 90% of inbound mail attempts are spam rejected by one or more of the filters before delivery, making for a rather hot-running sendmail process tree.... ;)
-- -- Todd Vierling <tv@duh.org> <tv@pobox.com> <todd@vierling.name>