"Sebastian" == Sebastian Nielsen via dovecot <dovecot@dovecot.org> writes:
m trying to deliver email from a webform, but its not working.
Why are you not feeding the email to postfix on the host, and then have postfix do all the lookups for valid users, etc. Then postfix will deliver to dovecot.
I need to be able to deliver email from "www-data" to any user on the system (that is a valid dovecot-lda mail user).
Yeah, don't do it like this, go through a proper MTA instead which handles all this for you.
It seems a security setting blocks it. I have already set authdb to 0777 in dovecot settings (because otherwise it gives an error about lookup rights), and also enabled stats-writer and stats-reader with 0666.
No no no, don't do this, you're now opening yourself up to getting hacked.
so no more error messages in log, but the above commands that does NOT work, terminate immediately, while the working command waits for email from STDIN. No error messages in either log or on STDOUT/STDERR.
How is your webform being called? If it's just a PHP handler for a submitted form, just hand it off to port 25 on localhost to deliver the email locally.
This puts all the lookups into the same place that other email is handled by, including user lookups, anti-spam, etc.