On 03/14/2012 06:58 AM, Charles Marcus wrote:
On 2012-03-13 6:29 PM, Terry Carmen <terry@cnysupport.com> wrote:
I'm going to hope everything is OK for a while, since my goal is to retire all the old Exchange servers and move all the users to dovecot/maildir within the next couple of months.
However it's always nice to know there are options. 8-)
I'm currently looking at rolling out SOGo as part of a major reworking of their current infrastructure (will also include converting their old Courier-IMAP to dovecot 2.1.x among other things)...
SOGo, as far as I can tell, is the best truly free and open source 'exchange clone' available that works extremely well with Thunderbird+Lightning (which is what my Client uses currently, but they are very dissatisfied with using Google Calendar for Shared calendars), Outlook and Apple Apps, as well as Android, Blackberry and Apple mobile devices - and their upcoming v2 (in beta now) will not only provide native Outlook support (no plugin needed), it will also (optionally) provide a Samba4 Active Directory server in my main Client's office - all with absolutely no licenses required. Commercial support is available from Inverse, the company created by the developers to provide said support services.
Looks interesting.
I have currently have horde/imp/kronolith running with postfix/dovecot/mysql on the back end and it's been working nicely with all the clients and devices except for outlook.
I'll have to take a look at sogo, because I'd really like to keep outlook for the users that want it, to cut down on support and complaints.