

i am now a bit deeper into dovecot debugging with gdb and have a full bt now, with debugging infos.


Is there a patch that resolve this Problem in dovecot 2.2.22-1ubuntu2.13 for ubuntu 16?


Here the bt:


(gdb) bt full

#0  0x00007ffff73cf3f3 in array_count_i (array=0x555555810d38) at ../../src/lib/array.h:155

No locals.

#1  message_part_finish (ctx=ctx@entry=0x555555810ce0) at message-parser.c:227

        __FUNCTION__ = "message_part_finish"

#2  0x00007ffff73d132c in message_parser_parse_next_block (ctx=0x555555810ce0, block_r=block_r@entry=0x7fffffffdc40) at message-parser.c:1244

        ret = <optimized out>

        eof = false

        full = false

        __FUNCTION__ = "message_parser_parse_next_block"

#3  0x00007ffff73d2218 in message_search_msg_real (error_r=0x7fffffffdca0, parts=<optimized out>, input=0x5555558159c0, ctx=0x55555580a870)

    at message-search.c:217

        new_parts = 0x7fffffffdd50

        ret = <optimized out>

        parser_ctx = 0x555555810ce0

        raw_block = {part = 0x55555580cc50, hdr = 0x0, data = 0x0, size = 0}

#4  message_search_msg (ctx=ctx@entry=0x55555580a870, input=0x5555558159c0, parts=<optimized out>, error_r=error_r@entry=0x7fffffffdca0)

    at message-search.c:244

        _data_stack_cur_id = 6

        error = <optimized out>

        ret = 1

#5  0x00007ffff7705c2f in search_body (arg=0x5555557ec948, ctx=0x7fffffffdd30) at index-search.c:649

        msg_search_ctx = 0x55555580a870

        error = 0x7fffffffdd40 "0ˀUUU"

        ret = <optimized out>

        __FUNCTION__ = "search_body"

#6  0x00007ffff7690345 in mail_search_args_foreach (args=0x5555557ec948, args@entry=0x5555557ec8b0, callback=callback@entry=0x7ffff7705ba0 <search_body>,

    context=context@entry=0x7fffffffdd30) at mail-search.c:440

        result = 1

#7  0x00007ffff7705870 in search_arg_match_text (ctx=0x55555580c0a0, args=0x5555557ec8b0) at index-search.c:779


        real_mail = 0x55555580c320

        headers = <optimized out>

        hdr_ctx = {index_ctx = 0x55555580c0a0, imail = 0x55555580c320, args = 0x5555557ec8b0, decoded_block = {part = 0x0, hdr = 0x0, data = 0x0,

            size = 0}, decoded_block_set = false, hdr = 0x55555580a7e0, parse_headers = 0, custom_header = 0, threading = 0}

        body_ctx = {index_ctx = 0x55555580c0a0, input = 0x5555558159c0, part = 0x55555580cb30}

        have_headers = true

        have_body = true

        ret = <optimized out>

        imail = 0x55555580c320

        input = 0x5555558159c0

        headers_ctx = 0x0

        failed = false

#8  search_match_once (ctx=0x55555580c0a0) at index-search.c:1329

        ctx = 0x55555580c0a0

        ret = <optimized out>

#9  0x00007ffff77078c1 in search_match_next (ctx=0x55555580c0a0) at index-search.c:1434

        _data_stack_cur_id = 5

        i = 2

        n = 3

        ret = <optimized out>

#10 search_more_with_mail (mail=0x55555580c320, ctx=0x55555580c0a0) at index-search.c:1547

        _data_stack_cur_id = 4

        _ctx = 0x55555580c0a0

        box = 0x5555557fc530

        match = -1

        ret = -1

        imail = 0x55555580c320

        cost1 = 3218534

#11 search_more_with_prefetching (mail_r=0x7fffffffde90, ctx=0x55555580c0a0) at index-search.c:1628

---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---

        _data_stack_cur_id = 3

        count = <optimized out>

        ret = <optimized out>

        mail = 0x55555580c320

#12 search_more (ctx=ctx@entry=0x55555580c0a0, mail_r=mail_r@entry=0x7fffffffde90) at index-search.c:1700

        imail = <optimized out>

        ret = <optimized out>

#13 0x00007ffff7707fc4 in index_storage_search_next_nonblock (_ctx=0x55555580c0a0, mail_r=0x7fffffffdf58, tryagain_r=0x7fffffffdf07) at index-search.c:1728

        mail = 0x5555557e4ce0

        seq = 0

        ret = <optimized out>

#14 0x00007ffff7696ba2 in mailbox_search_next_nonblock (ctx=0x55555580c0a0, mail_r=0x7fffffffdf58, tryagain_r=<optimized out>) at mail-storage.c:1784

        box = <optimized out>

#15 0x00007ffff7696c0f in mailbox_search_next (ctx=0x55555580c0a0, mail_r=mail_r@entry=0x7fffffffdf58) at mail-storage.c:1769

        tryagain = false

#16 0x00005555555809d2 in doveadm_mail_iter_next (iter=<optimized out>, mail_r=mail_r@entry=0x7fffffffdf58) at doveadm-mail-iter.c:154

No locals.

#17 0x00005555555839dd in cmd_search_box (info=<optimized out>, ctx=0x5555557e9800) at doveadm-mail-search.c:36

        iter = 0x5555557fbb60

        box = <optimized out>

        ret = 0

        mail = 0x0

        metadata = {guid = "\242\n\337\066\322|c_\330\004\000\000\303B(\247", virtual_size = 0, physical_size = 0, first_save_date = 0, cache_fields = 0x0,

          precache_fields = (unknown: 0), backend_ns_prefix = 0x0, backend_ns_type = (unknown: 0)}

        guid_str = 0x5555557da3f0 "a20adf36d27c635fd8040000c34228a7"

#18 cmd_search_run (ctx=0x5555557e9800, user=<optimized out>) at doveadm-mail-search.c:61

        _data_stack_cur_id = 2

        iter = 0x5555557f3ed0

        info = <optimized out>

        ret = <optimized out>

#19 0x000055555557acef in doveadm_mail_next_user (ctx=ctx@entry=0x5555557e9800, cctx=cctx@entry=0x7fffffffe0f0, error_r=error_r@entry=0x7fffffffe0e8)

    at doveadm-mail.c:400

        input = {module = 0x0, service = 0x5555555afc11 "doveadm", username = 0x5555557d8360 "m056e04b", session_id = 0x0, session_id_prefix = 0x0,

          local_ip = {family = 0, u = {ip6 = {__in6_u = {__u6_addr8 = '\000' <repeats 15 times>, __u6_addr16 = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, __u6_addr32 = {0,

                    0, 0, 0}}}, ip4 = {s_addr = 0}}}, remote_ip = {family = 0, u = {ip6 = {__in6_u = {__u6_addr8 = '\000' <repeats 15 times>,

                  __u6_addr16 = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, __u6_addr32 = {0, 0, 0, 0}}}, ip4 = {s_addr = 0}}}, local_port = 0, remote_port = 0,

          userdb_fields = 0x0, flags_override_add = (unknown: 0), flags_override_remove = (unknown: 0), no_userdb_lookup = 0}

        error = 0x12830 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x12830>

        ip = <optimized out>

        ret = <optimized out>

        __FUNCTION__ = "doveadm_mail_next_user"

#20 0x000055555557b78d in doveadm_mail_single_user (ctx=ctx@entry=0x5555557e9800, cctx=cctx@entry=0x7fffffffe0f0, error_r=error_r@entry=0x7fffffffe0e8)

    at doveadm-mail.c:431

        __FUNCTION__ = "doveadm_mail_single_user"

#21 0x000055555557b876 in doveadm_mail_cmd_exec (ctx=ctx@entry=0x5555557e9800, wildcard_user=wildcard_user@entry=0x0) at doveadm-mail.c:594

        cctx = {cmd = 0x0, argc = 0, argv = 0x0, username = 0x5555557d8360 "m056e04b", cli = false, local_ip = {family = 0, u = {ip6 = {__in6_u = {

                  __u6_addr8 = '\000' <repeats 15 times>, __u6_addr16 = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, __u6_addr32 = {0, 0, 0, 0}}}, ip4 = {s_addr = 0}}},

          remote_ip = {family = 0, u = {ip6 = {__in6_u = {__u6_addr8 = '\000' <repeats 15 times>, __u6_addr16 = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, __u6_addr32 = {0,

                    0, 0, 0}}}, ip4 = {s_addr = 0}}}, local_port = 0, remote_port = 0}

        ret = <optimized out>

        error = 0x7ffff73dc07d <buffer_alloc+45> "\200K0\001H\211C\020H\211k H\211\003H\203\304\b[]\303\017\037D"

#22 0x000055555557c5b6 in doveadm_cmd_ver2_to_mail_cmd_wrapper (cctx=0x7fffffffe320) at doveadm-mail.c:1010

        mctx = 0x5555557e9800

        wildcard_user = <optimized out>

        fieldstr = 0x5555557df41b "Hallo"

        i = <optimized out>

        mail_cmd = {alloc = 0x555555583890 <cmd_search_alloc>, name = 0x5555555b1e54 "search",

          usage_args = 0x5555555b1e88 "[-u <user>|-A] [-S <socket_path>] <search query>"}

#23 0x000055555558a165 in doveadm_cmd_run_ver2 (argc=argc@entry=7, argv=argv@entry=0x5555557df3a0, cctx=cctx@entry=0x7fffffffe320) at doveadm-cmd.c:519

---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---quit


(gdb) quit




Von: rudolf@padaru.de <rudolf@padaru.de>
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 17. September 2020 17:28
An: 'Dovecot Mailing List' <dovecot@dovecot.org>
Betreff: doveadm search segfault Dovecot 2.2.22


Good Evening,


i have a serius problem by usung the search function via imap or via doveadm.


If i run this command:

doveadm search -u <user> mailbox INBOX text 'Hello'


I receive this line in my maillog:

dovecot: imap(<user>): Fatal: master: service(imap): child 7472 killed with signal 11 (core dumped)


in my /var/log/apport.log i can see this:


ERROR: apport (pid 17785) Thu Sep 17 17:19:01 2020: called for pid 17777, signal 11, core limit 0, dump mode 1

ERROR: apport (pid 17785) Thu Sep 17 17:19:01 2020: executable: /usr/bin/doveadm (command line "doveadm search -u <user> mailbox INBOX text Hello")

ERROR: apport (pid 17785) Thu Sep 17 17:19:01 2020: is_closing_session(): no DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS in environment

ERROR: apport (pid 17785) Thu Sep 17 17:19:01 2020: this executable already crashed 2 times, ignoring


A ‘gdb $(cat ExecutablePath) CoreDump‘ from the unpackes dumpe show this:

GNU gdb (Ubuntu 7.11.1-0ubuntu1~16.5) 7.11.1

Copyright (C) 2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>

This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.

There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.  Type "show copying"

and "show warranty" for details.

This GDB was configured as "x86_64-linux-gnu".

Type "show configuration" for configuration details.

For bug reporting instructions, please see:


Find the GDB manual and other documentation resources online at:


For help, type "help".

Type "apropos word" to search for commands related to "word"...

Reading symbols from /usr/bin/doveadm...(no debugging symbols found)...done.

[New LWP 1441]

Core was generated by `doveadm search -u <user> mailbox INBOX text Hello'.

Program terminated with signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.

#0  0x00007fb4da1f83f3 in ?? () from /usr/lib/dovecot/libdovecot.so.0


A doveconf -n show this output:

# 2.2.22 (fe789d2): /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf

# Pigeonhole version 0.4.13 (7b14904)

# OS: Linux 4.15.0-117-generic x86_64 Ubuntu 16.04.7 LTS

auth_mechanisms = plain login

auth_username_chars = abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ01234567890.-_@üÜöÖäÄ

auth_worker_max_count = 60

disable_plaintext_auth = no

imap_capability = +XLIST

imap_logout_format = in=%i out=%o del=%{deleted} fetched_mails=%{fetch_hdr_count}

lda_mailbox_autocreate = yes

lda_mailbox_autosubscribe = yes

lock_method = flock

login_greeting = <myServer> mailserver ready.

login_log_format_elements = user=<%u> method=%m rip=%r lip=%l %c

mail_cache_min_mail_count = 30

mail_location = auto:

mail_max_userip_connections = 30

managesieve_notify_capability = mailto

managesieve_sieve_capability = fileinto envelope encoded-character vacation subaddress comparator-i;ascii-numeric relational regex imap4flags copy include variables body enotify environment mailbox date index ihave duplicate mime foreverypart extracttext editheader imapflags notify vnd.dovecot.pipe vnd.dovecot.filter vnd.dovecot.execute

mbox_read_locks = dotlock

mbox_very_dirty_syncs = yes

mdbox_rotate_size = 250 M

namespace inbox {

  inbox = yes

  location =

  mailbox Archiv {

    auto = no

    special_use =


  mailbox Drafts {

    auto = no

    special_use =


  mailbox Junk {

    auto = no

    special_use =


  mailbox Sent {

    auto = no

    special_use =


  mailbox "Sent Messages" {

    special_use = \Sent


  mailbox Trash {

    auto = no

    special_use =


  prefix =


passdb {

  args = /etc/dovecot/conf.d/zDovecot-sql.conf.ext

  driver = sql


plugin {

  sieve = ~/sieve/.dovecot.sieve

  sieve_after = ~/sieve_after/.dovecot_after.sieve

  sieve_before = ~/sieve_before/.dovecot_before.sieve

  sieve_dir = ~/sieve

  sieve_execute_bin_dir = /usr/local/bin/

  sieve_execute_input_eol = lf

  sieve_extensions = +notify +imapflags +vnd.dovecot.pipe +vnd.dovecot.filter +vnd.dovecot.execute +editheader -reject

  sieve_filter_bin_dir = /usr/local/bin/

  sieve_filter_input_eol = lf

  sieve_global_dir = /etc/dovecot/sieve/

  sieve_max_redirects = 25

  sieve_pipe_bin_dir = /usr/local/bin/

  sieve_pipe_input_eol = lf

  sieve_plugins = sieve_extprograms

  sieve_redirect_envelope_from = recipient

  zlib_save = gz

  zlib_save_level = 6


protocols = imap pop3 sieve

service auth-worker {

  idle_kill = 1 mins


service auth {

  idle_kill = 1 mins

  unix_listener /var/spool/postfix/private/auth {

    group = postfix

    mode = 0660

    user = postfix


  user = root


service imap-login {

  executable = /usr/lib/dovecot/imap-login

  process_min_avail = 4

  service_count = 0

  user = dovecot


service imap {

  process_limit = 1024


service managesieve-login {

  inet_listener sieve {

    port = 4190


  service_count = 0

  user = dovecot


service managesieve {

  process_limit = 1024

  user = dovecot


service pop3-login {

  executable = /usr/lib/dovecot/pop3-login

  process_min_avail = 4

  service_count = 0

  user = dovecot


service pop3 {

  executable = /usr/lib/dovecot/pop3

  process_limit = 1024


shutdown_clients = no

ssl_ca = </etc/apache2/zertifikate/*.<myServer>.pem

ssl_cert = </etc/apache2/zertifikate/*.<myServer>.pem


ssl_dh_parameters_length = 2048

ssl_key = </etc/apache2/zertifikate/*.<myServer>.pem

ssl_prefer_server_ciphers = yes

ssl_protocols = !SSLv3

userdb {

  args = /etc/dovecot/conf.d/zDovecot-sql.conf.ext

  driver = sql


verbose_proctitle = yes

protocol lda {

  mail_plugins = " sieve zlib"

  rejection_reason = Your message to <%t> was automatically discarded:%n%r


protocol imap {

  imap_client_workarounds = delay-newmail

  mail_plugins = " mail_log notify zlib"

  ssl = yes


protocol pop3 {

  mail_plugins = zlib

  pop3_client_workarounds = oe-ns-eoh outlook-no-nuls

  pop3_no_flag_updates = no

  pop3_uidl_format = %08Xu%08Xv

  ssl = yes



What surprises me is that this problem only occurs with a text search in the inbox, I search in other mailboxes or only in the header this problem does not occur.


Can anyone give me a tip on how I can solve this problem without upgrading to 2.33?



Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Yours sincerely



Pascal Rudolf | Geschäftsführer

PADARU-IT | Bielebohstraße 10 | 02736  Beiersdorf
@: rudolf@padaru.de | www: padaru.de
mobil: +49 (0) 17 772 595 32