On Wed, 18 Aug 2010 12:58:38 +0200 Marc Haber <mh+dovecot@zugschlus.de> articulated:
That depends on what you define "standard". Why do so many software authors ship a default configuration which violates posix and fhs?
Probably due to the fact that while many *.nix/BSD OSs claim to support 'posix' etc. they don't fully do so. The problems involved in getting certain program to operate between *.nix and BSD alone is enough to make a grown man cry. Vendors are simply doing what they have to in order to insure that their applications will work on as wide a scale as possible. The Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS) is not even standard between various *.nix and BSD systems, let alone a Microsoft one. It seems that everyone has to reinvent the wheel.
-- Jerry ✌ Dovecot.user@seibercom.net
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Why is it called a funny bone when it hurts so much?