Quoting Philipp Faeustlin <Philipp.Faeustlin@uni-hohenheim.de>:
Am 27.08.2014 um 13:23 schrieb Michael:
Quoting Steffen Kaiser <skdovecot@smail.inf.fh-brs.de>:
On Tue, 26 Aug 2014, Michael wrote:
I'm planning to move all mailboxes from a Dovecot 2.2.10 server to a Dovecot 2.2.9 server. Dovecot is serving virtual users only.
you downgrade?
Yes, because I'm switching from CentOS 6.5 to Ubuntu 14.04. On the CentOS system I used the ATrpms repo. For Ubuntu I did not find any appropriate 3rd party repo. So I'm going to use the standard repo.
Perhaps the official Dovecot Repo would be a better solution: http://shop.dovecot.fi/home/8-dovecot-ee-repository-access.html
I've already been aware of this web site. I saw that they offer only
packages for Ubuntu 12.04. I'm Using Ubuntu 14.04. I know that often
it's not a problem to take packages from another version. But I'm not
sure if there are some conflicts to be expected. So I wrote an e-mail
to the contact but did not get an answer yet.
Do you have any information if this repo can also be used on Ubuntu
14.04 without problems?
Thanks, Michael