7 Mar
7 Mar
9:03 p.m.
On 2012-03-07 1:04 PM, Willie Gillespie <wgillespie@es2eng.com> wrote:
On 3/7/2012 6:32 AM, Charles Marcus wrote:
- No one other than a designated user or users (Master User(s)? Users in a specified Group?) can delete any messages in this account, in any of the folders.
If you are using ACLs, just don't give them the delete permission? But I guess now that I am thinking about it as I write, you did want them to be able to move the messages (which is really a copy + delete).
So... maybe not.
Right... although my understanding is that dovecot does indeed use mv (at least on linux) to do moves when using maildir, so maybe there is a way...
I'll wait and see what Timo says about this... no hurry, as I'm still in the design stage, this is just how I'd *like* it to work, but if it won't/can't, I'll figure something else out.
Thanks for the replies so far...
Best regards,