On 06 Apr 2016, at 16:54, Tom Sommer <mail@tomsommer.dk> wrote:
Sometimes my redis connection times out, both for pop3, imap and lmtp. I have no idea why, when I do a "doveadm quota recalc -u" it works just fine? I'm thinking the connection is lost somehow and not retried?
Apr 06 15:42:00 lmtp(xxx@xxx.com): Error: redis: Lookup timed out in 30.000 secs Apr 06 15:42:00 lmtp(xxx@xxx.com): Error: Internal quota calculation error Apr 06 15:42:00 lmtp(xxx@xxx.com): Error: Internal quota calculation error Apr 06 15:42:00 lmtp(xxx@xxx.com): Info: xxxx: msgid=<xxxx@xxxx.com>: saved mail to INBOX Apr 06 15:49:23 lmtp(xxx@xxx.com): Info: xxxx: msgid=<xxxx@xxxx.com>: saved mail to INBOX <-- Same mail
This happens a lot, and it's really bad, because the mail is actually saved correctly, but the error is reported back to the Director, causing the delivery to be retried by the MTA - so the mail actually lands *twice* in the user's inbox.
Shrink the timeout in Redis with timeout_msecs parameter. http://wiki2.dovecot.org/Dictionary
Actually it looks like the timeout handling code doesn't work at all. It simply keeps on logging timeouts until it succeeds or the connection gets disconnected. Do you see such repeated timeout logs, or does the connection also happen to get closed exactly at 30 seconds anyway? This fixes: https://github.com/dovecot/core/commit/2fb829dc7cc8c61dee925a15e51768a4b82e4...
Is there some firewall between Dovecot and Redis that closes idling connections and causes them to hang? Dovecot doesn't close idle Redis connections, although I suppose it would be useful too. The attached patch probably helps here by adding a new idle_timeout_msecs setting. I didn't finish testing it.