Hi there, I've currently compiled and running dovecot version 0.99.10 on my FreeBSD 4.8
system from the ports and am having problems with authenticating clients with the imap/pop3 service.
The error message i get is:
Jul 11 19:26:18 dev dovecot: Dovecot starting up
Jul 11 19:27:23 dev dovecot-auth: passwd(james): invalid password field '*'
Jul 11 19:27:23 dev imap-login: Disconnected []
On the client system I am using Outlook Express 6 and the password dialog box keeps on comming up.
Im sure its somthing to do with my conf file not being configured right, here are the main bits:
default_mail_env = mbox:/var/mail/%u
client_workarounds = oe6-fetch-no-newmail outlook-idle
auth = default
auth_userdb = passwd
auth_passdb = passwd
auth_user = dovecot-auth
auth_username_chars =

If its somthing simple please point me in the right direction as I feel increadbly dumb because im sure its something to do with the passwd file but just carnt get pass the last hurdle!
Many thanks in advanced.