Hi again...
2009/3/19 Mike Brudenell <pmb1@azilo.me.uk>
2009/3/13 Timo Sirainen <tss@iki.fi>
We have grown to suspect it is to do with one of the imap-login
On Mon, 2009-03-09 at 17:41 +0000, Mike Brudenell wrote: processes
having a large number of files open. Killing the process seems to get rid of the problem.
You didn't mention if you actually saw "Too many open files" errors in log file. If you didn't, the problem isn't with ulimits.
No, there's no sign of the "Too many open files" error message in the logfiles.
However I have just spotted that this is getting logged each time it happens:
dovecot: Mar 19 13:29:34 Info: imap-login: Disconnected: Connection queue full (no auth attempts): rip=144.32.N.N, lip=144.32.N.N
There appears to be one of these for each failed connection attempt to the IMAP server.
Grepping the code suggests this is presumably coming from src/imap-login/client.c
I'm now peering at the code trying to see if I can spot anything, but have to confess to not being too wonderful in the area of sockets etc.
Cheers, Mike B-)