24 Jan
24 Jan
8:04 p.m.
Hi Thomas,
make check on Solaris 10 throws a segmentation fault.
in src/lib-http/test-http-url.c you will find several of these:
if (urlp->host_name == NULL || urlt->host_name == NULL) {
test_out(t_strdup_printf("url->host_name = %s", urlp->host_name),
t_strdup_printf is called with urlp->host_name which value is NULL. So printf is called with a NULL pointer. Linux printf is mapping the NULL pointer to the string "(null)". Solaris does the right thing and dumps core.
I will send 3 patch files in privat email. With these it will compile on Solaris.
I dont understand the logic of the if clauses. Maybe Timo is able to explain :-)