On giovedì 10 gennaio 2008, Andreas Schneider wrote:
It is the best webmailer I've found. You give it a try.
I do not agree sorry, I found horde a very huge collaboration framework and IMP (the hosrde webmail component) is too much bounded to the rest of the framework ... I think that if you need only a webmail horde is too much ...
.. moreover I found its UI too much hard to completely customize. There was not (at least when I tried it) a good MVC architecture.
The best would be to find a WM basedon a good modern MVC framework, such as (spoking about the PHP world) symfony of Zend FW).. but I don't know if such a kimera exists :)
-- <?php echo ' Emiliano Gabrielli (aka AlberT) ',"\n", ' GrUSP founder - ZCE ',"\n", ' AlberT_at_SuperAlberT_it - www.SuperAlberT.it ',"\n", ' IRC: #php,#AES azzurra.com ',"\n",'ICQ: 158591185'; ?>