On Mit, 2015-04-01 at 14:42 +0200, Reindl Harald wrote:
Am 01.04.2015 um 14:33 schrieb Bernd Petrovitsch:
On Mit, 2015-04-01 at 13:07 +0200, Reindl Harald wrote:
Am 01.04.2015 um 13:04 schrieb Bernd Petrovitsch:
IMHO the larger the corporation is, the less are the chances for *long-term* benefits of the OSS/free software (mainly because: usually commercial success is driven and defined from marketing to sales[1] sown to the techies which are forced into "features" and "delivery dates" to achieve some "company defined goal" - and that is usually not "bug free", "safe", or the like. Free software/OSS just happens that *at least* half of it should come from the "working level" and that is - at least - much more - ahemm - "inconvenient" for sales people)
FWIW the context were large "old-school" corps (like Novell or Oracle) taking over free software companies.
that is simple not true - if it would be true linux distributions would
Define "true Linux distribution".
who the fuck was talking abiut "true Linux distribution"?
Ooops, sry, misread that ("," could help ....). Actually, the whole area/discussion IMHO too versatile to invalidate (or validate) anything with just one example - not everything is white or black ... One had to look at each situation and the circumstances/conditions/... (and there is no excuse for companies to fix a bugs paid by their customers and "forget" to send them upstream - if only to get a confirmation on the quality).
not include half baken and aplha quality sofwtare again and again in stable releases because "the market out there"
That's everywhere in the commercial world the problem with "delivery vs quality/known problems" and someone's decision to ship or not to ship - based in whatever feels appropriate.
and in the opensource world too - so shwat
Usually a maintainer has no direct pressure on "shipping"/releasing. And sometimes one actually ships known bugs if only to motivate the ones who should fix the bugs and one doesn't want to become hostage of some lazy contributors;-)
[...] Kind regards, Bernd
"I dislike type abstraction if it has no real reason. And saving on typing is not a good reason - if your typing speed is the main issue when you're coding, you're doing something seriously wrong." - Linus Torvalds