11 Dec
11 Dec
12:29 a.m.
New subscriber here. I noticed that the FTS index is not used in compound searches. Is this expected? Tested in 2.0.0 and 2.0.8:
. search BODY "waldo"
- SEARCH . OK Search completed (0.000 secs). . SEARCH CHARSET UTF-8 OR SUBJECT "waldo" FROM "waldo"
- SEARCH . OK Search completed (1.768 secs). . SEARCH CHARSET UTF-8 OR SUBJECT "waldo" BODY "waldo"
- OK Searched 0% of the mailbox, ETA 9605:25
- OK Searched 4% of the mailbox, ETA 6:39
- OK Searched 6% of the mailbox, ETA 6:58
- OK Searched 8% of the mailbox, ETA 6:54
It's a problem for us because the Afterlogic webmail client does not offer a body-only search. The two search options are From + To + Subject, or "entire messages", which puts together a large OR query:
SRCH1069 SEARCH CHARSET UTF-8 OR (OR (OR FROM "waldo" TO "waldo") SUBJECT "waldo") BODY "waldo"
I also checked to see whether the header fields are included in the FTS index but it didn't appear so. I got more results from the search "TO gmail.com" than from "BODY gmail.com"
plugin { fts = squat } protocol imap { mail_plugins = " fts fts_squat" }