I recently upgraded an wu-imap server to dovecot dovecot-0.99.11-1.FC3.3 without big trouble (the subscribed mailboxes had to be added by hand...)
But today users told me that there where some problems; e.g. a user tried to delete a message and got this error:
Oct 19 09:43:13 mail imap(jmeinken): File isn't in mbox format: /home/mitarbeiter/jmeinken//Trash
This didn't happen before; also after the migration.
My questions:
- Whats wrong?
- Why is there the "//"
a "more Trash" failed. After deleting this file and "touching" a new one, the user can delete files.
The quota is 150 MB, the usere uses 100 MB at the moment.
Any ideas?
Götz Reinicke
Götz Reinicke IT Koordinator - IT OfficeNet
Tel. +49 (0) 7141 - 969 420 Fax +49 (0) 7141 - 969 55 420 goetz.reinicke@filmakademie.de
Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg Mathildenstr. 20 71638 Ludwigsburg www.filmakademie.de