I'm trying to get dovecot running on my VPS and the main imap process is receiving a SIGKILL from what I presume to be the Linux Kernel and/or OpenVZ. This happens after I login and my client(s) just sit their idling. The mailbox is empty.
I'm not running out of memory. stracing the process doesn't show anything interesting...
... gettimeofday({1233024777, 844804}, {420, 0}) = 0 gettimeofday({1233024777, 844912}, NULL) = 0 poll([{fd=4, events=POLLIN|POLLPRI|POLLERR|POLLHUP|POLLNVAL}, {fd=2, events=POLLERR|POLLHUP|POLLNVAL}, {fd=0, events=POLLIN|POLLPRI|POLLERR|POLLHUP|POLLNVAL}], 3, 10000) = -1 EINTR (Interrupted system call) +++ killed by SIGKILL +++
This is on a CentOS 5.2 VPS. I haven't changed much other than installing a few packages. I've also had this exact same problem on Debian 4.0 VPS (OpenVZ) under the same machine. Turning off SSL and logging in plain old IMAP didn't change anything. Under the Debian installation I tried the latest version of dovecot (1.1.8 or so), different I/O loop methods, turning them off, on, etc.
The only other reference via Google I can find to this sort of problem is:
But that was with the login process, whereas mine is with the imap daemon.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
# uname -a Linux npjh.com 2.6.18-ovz028stab039.1-smp #1 SMP Tue Jul 24 12:12:48 MSD 2007 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
# dovecot -n # 1.0.7: /etc/dovecot.conf log_path: /var/log/dovecot.log info_log_path: /var/log/dovecot-info.log protocols: imaps ssl_cert_file: /etc/ssl/certs/mail.pem ssl_key_file: /etc/ssl/private/mail.key disable_plaintext_auth: yes login_dir: /var/run/dovecot/login login_executable: /usr/libexec/dovecot/imap-login login_processes_count: 2 mail_location: maildir:~/Maildir maildir_copy_with_hardlinks: yes namespace: type: private separator: . prefix: INBOX. inbox: yes auth default: mechanisms: digest-md5 cram-md5 login plain passdb: driver: passwd-file args: /etc/dovecot/passwd userdb: driver: static args: uid=vmail gid=vmail home=/home/vmail/%u socket: type: listen client: path: /var/run/dovecot/auth-client mode: 432 user: postfix group: postfix
# free total used free shared buffers cached Mem: 256000 75100 180900 0 0 0 -/+ buffers/cache: 75100 180900 Swap: 0 0 0