I have a client I've been trying to talk into switching from courier to dovecot, but the owner of the company wants me to set up two different accounts in Thunderbird (I finally got him switched to that from outlook express), one accessing his account through courier, and one through dovecot, so he can compare the speed...
Is this even possible? I've never tried it before, so before I spend a lot of time, I want to know if I'd be wasting it (my time)...
Yes, it's possible. You just have to set the 2 servers up on separate ports and make sure the correct ports are set in Thunderbird. I'm not sure what would happen with dovecot's index files but most likely if courier does something goofy they will just get rebuilt.
Have you actually done it?
I have Dovecot set up on port 10993, but before I actually fire it up, I want to make sure it isn't going to hose anything. I will backup the maildirs in question before I do bring dovecot up, of course, but still wouldn't want to do anything that might mess anything up.
The index files are my main concern.
Courier will ignore them. So they may be out of sync if you move a lot of messages around with Courier, but Dovecot will update them.
I guess the safest thing to do is to tell postfix to queue his mail so nothing gets delivered while he's messing around, then let him play - see how fast folders load, etc (he's got some pretty big ones, 30,000 messages or more)...
The safest thing to do, of course, is to back up.
Thanks - I'll wait and see if anyone else chimes in - I like to get more than one opinion, and to hear from at least one person who has actually done what I'm about to do, when trying something like this (that I've never done before)...
I've done similar, my mailstore is on nfs, and had completely different servers both accessing it. And yes, Dovecot was much much faster.
-- Kenny Dail <kend@amigo.net>