On 1 Sep 2019, at 15:53, Michael Hallager <michael@nettrust.nz> wrote:
On 2019-09-02 06:24, Alexander Dalloz via dovecot wrote:
Am 01.09.2019 um 14:41 schrieb Aleksandr Mette via dovecot:
- Forward e-mail Don't do that nor let your users auto-forward their mail received on your MX. Else you will end up faster than you think on blacklists as very likely your server will forward SPAM and gets classified as a SPAM source.
You have to let users forward their email
No you don’t.
because this is functionality they expect.
Which they can manage themselves with IMAP logging and local rules.
The trick is to spam scan all email first, otherwise as Alexander has said, you end up on RBL's.
A lot of mail that is not spam when it arrives WILL be spam when it is forwarded as it will fail SPF, Fail DKIM, and any header checks will flag the mail as suspicious.
The only way to safely forward mail is to enclose it as an attachment, and this is something users do not want.
-- Oh never resist an impulse, Sabrina. Especially if it's terrible.