On Sun, Aug 05, 2007 at 09:53:52AM -0700, Don Russell wrote:
Not sure what your situation is, but in the USA laws are underway for requiring corporations to keep ALL e-mail ... not sure what the state of those laws are.... maybe they won't materialize.... but obviously people are thinking along those lines...
Based on your e-mail address, I assume you are not subject to US laws etc... but I think it's a "sign" of things to come in the corporate world.
Some possible future law in some silly country has nothing to do with Baltasar's original technical question, which is completely legitimate; offering POP3 access to all and IMAP only to some.
You could use different passdb's under pop3 and imap, using the allow_nets extra field: http://wiki.dovecot.org/PasswordDatabase/ExtraFields/AllowNets
You would allow pop3 access to all, imap access to some from any IP and to others only from the webmail server(s) IP('s).