On Wed, 2007-03-07 at 14:06 +0000, Matthew Ward wrote:
I'm currently running a VPS which has the NTP daemon running on neither my CentOS installation nor on the hardware node itself, so as far as I am aware the server time shouldn't be being resynched by anything, and the time should be consistent. However, since r25 my Dovecot service is complaining that time is moving backwards (was being killed only a few moments after being started with r25, same problems as Emmett with r26) quite consistently, and always by one second. Could this simply be an error or something within Dovecot itself, as to have nothing physically updating the system time on my machine at all and to have Dovecot complaining that it's being resynched by one second all the time seems a bit odd?
And there are no ntpdate runs in cron? How often does it complain about it? When it happens, is it only some Dovecot processes or all of them that complain?
I could write a simple test program that reports every time the time moves backwards, but I'm pretty sure the code in Dovecot is also working correctly..