dovecot version: 1.0.beta3-3ubuntu5.5 OS: 2.6.15-26-server i686 GNU/Linux Ubuntu dapper filesys: ext3 authentication is with ldap (Active Directory)
the problem is that after a while with a number of pop3 connections (8 people who have checking every 5 minutes), the ldap_search gives 'Operation Error' . we have tried to use the global catalog, but that doesn't solve the problem. the binding is the problem, we must use binding, cause we don't get a userPassword field.
Right now, we have switched to courierLDAP and it works for now, we'll have to see if it persists (we have set an LDAP timeout variable, but don't know if it's related.) The thing is that we have lots of places where can setup something like this with AD, and that for now, we'll probably use courier.
hosts = dn = CN=SPIC,OU=Beheerders,OU=Zonnegroep,DC=zonnewende,DC=local dnpass = xxxxxxxxx auth_bind = yes ldap_version = 3 base = dc=zonnewende, dc=local user_filter = (mail=%u) pass_attrs = uid=user,userPassword=password pass_filter = (mail=%u) user_global_uid = 5000 user_global_gid = 5000
any ideas on how to solve it?
PS: can you CC me?
Maarten Vanraes BA NV: IT & Security