29 Oct
29 Oct
9:44 a.m.
with latest 2.0.6 (601065674f74), the following virtual mailbox is not behaving correctly. I'm quite sure that the problem has not existed in some earlier 2.0.x (maybe only INBOX as mailbox then though):
~user/Maildir/virtual/.week/dovecot-virtual contains
INBOX INBOX.* -INBOX.Trash inthread refs younger 604800
This works as expected for the first time. But later on, also older messages/ threads are included until I delete the virtual/.week/dovecot.index*.
Greetings, Lutz
-- Lutz Preßler Lutz.Pressler@SerNet.DE http://www.SerNet.DE/ SerNet Service Network GmbH, Bahnhofsallee 1b, D-37081 Göttingen Tel.: +49-551-370000-2, FAX: +49-551-370000-9 AG Göttingen, HRB 2816, GF: Dr. Johannes Loxen