On Tue, 2008-09-09 at 17:35 +0200, Thomas Hummel wrote:
Can this new mail be named identically, i.e. 1215166123.52887_0.host.dom.ain:2, ? if so, it would be a problem when merging.
Yes, except for Dovecot's potential warning:
Dovecot doesn't really like if messages get "unexpunged"
Why would messages be considered unexpunged (that would concern only messages which were previously tagged as "Deleted", right ?) ? Or do you mean that the index/cache mechanism would notice that messages have disappeared ?
dovecot-uidlist is recreated lazily. So it may list files that have already been deleted. So when Dovecot notices that there exists a new file that's already listed in dovecot-uidlist but that has been expunged from Dovecot's index files, it'll figure out the message is unexpunged and to avoid breaking IMAP clients it'll log a warning and give a new UID to the file.
dovecot-keywords could be a problem if the restored mail used keywords, although it currently isn't a problem since keywords never get removed so the existing dovecot-keywords file produces correct results. That might change some day though.
You mean that the following sequence cannot happen since keywords in dovecot-keywords never get deleted :
. message M filename contain keywork b . message M gets deleted accidentaly . keyword b gets deleted from dovecot-keywords . message M is restored but the b keyword isn't known anymore
Right. Keywords can only be added currently.
So, apart from this keyword and unexpunged issues (the first one currently working and the second one having the "add a letter" workaround"), nothing prevents to merge (by simply copying messages in cur/) restored and new messages for the user (in the case it wouldn't be an option to let the user do the dirty job ;-)) ?