I have defined several metrics in Dovecot and activated the metrics service. After the I tried to include this in Prometheues, but I get strange errors. I gave up now after several hours in the hope that this might be a bug. So I ask for help here:
Distribution: Rocky 8 Official Dovecot Repo Version: 2.3.18
Config for metrics, service and events:
metric auth_success { exporter = log filter = event=auth_request_finished AND success=yes }
metric auth_failures { exporter = log filter = event=auth_request_finished AND NOT success=yes }
metric auth_client_userdb { filter = event=auth_client_userdb_lookup_finished }
metric auth_master { exporter = log filter = event=auth_master_client_login_finished }
metric client_connected { filter = event=client_connection_connected }
metric client_disconnected { filter = event=client_connection_disconnected group_by = reason }
metric imap_command { filter = event=imap_command_finished group_by = cmd_name tagged_reply_state }
metric lmtp_command { filter = event=smtp_server_command_finished AND protocol=lmtp group_by = cmd_name status_code duration:exponential:1:5:10 }
metric imap_hibernate { filter = event=imap_client_hibernated group_by = error }
metric imap_unhibernate { filter = event=imap_client_hibernated group_by = reason error }
metric mail_delivery { filter = event=mail_delivery_finished group_by = duration:exponential:1:5:10 }
metric sql_query { filter = event=sql_query_finished group_by = error_code }
metric sieve_actions { filter = event=sieve_action_finished group_by = action_name error }
metric managesieve { filter = event=managesieve_command_finished group_by = script_name }
metric dict_lookups { filter = event=dict_lookup_finished group_by = driver error }
service stats { inet_listener http { port = 9900 } }
event_exporter log { format = json format_args = time-rfc3339 transport = log }
Shortened curl output:
# HELP process_start_time_seconds Timestamp of service start # TYPE process_start_time_seconds gauge process_start_time_seconds 1645743604 # HELP dovecot_build Dovecot build information # TYPE dovecot_build info dovecot_build_info{version="2.3.18",revision="9dd8408c18"} 1 # HELP dovecot_auth_success Total number of all events of this kind # TYPE dovecot_auth_success counter dovecot_auth_success_total 1669 # HELP dovecot_auth_success_duration_seconds Total duration of all events of this kind # TYPE dovecot_auth_success_duration_seconds counter dovecot_auth_success_duration_seconds_total 1.317570 # HELP dovecot_auth_failures Total number of all events of this kind # TYPE dovecot_auth_failures counter dovecot_auth_failures_total 1 # HELP dovecot_auth_failures_duration_seconds Total duration of all events of this kind # TYPE dovecot_auth_failures_duration_seconds counter ... # EOF
Prometheus yml config snippet:
global: scrape_interval: 15s evaluation_interval: 15s
- job_name: dovecot_exporter
- targets:
- targets:
Prometheus (Docker stable latest) with debug level show these lines:
prometheus_1 | ts=2022-02-25T10:22:00.840Z caller=scrape.go:1307 level=debug component="scrape manager" scrape_pool=dovecot_exporter target= msg="Append failed" err="expected label name or left brace, got \"INVALID\""
Therefor the service is considered as being down.
I really have no ide, what I can do here.
Thanks for any help in advance
Christian Rößner
Rößner-Network-Solutions Zertifizierter ITSiBe / CISO Karl-Bröger-Str. 10, 36304 Alsfeld Fax: +49 6631 78823409, Mobil: +49 171 9905345 USt-IdNr.: DE225643613, https://roessner.website PGP fingerprint: 658D 1342 B762 F484 2DDF 1E88 38A5 4346 D727 94E5