Filesystem quotas used to work well under Solaris 9 and ufs
filesystems on the Sparc platform even with two rules for the folders
in the users home directories /home/group/user and the separate
filesystem /var/mail holding the inboxes:
plugin { quota = fs:Home-Verzeichnis:noenforcing quota2 = fs:INBOX:noenforcing:mount=/var/mail }
Since we upgraded last year to Solaris 10 with zfs filesystems on our
Sparc server still using a similar setup with separate filesystems for
home directories and inboxes we have no working quota plugin anymore.
Currently we use dovecot 2.0.13.
Are there any plans or whishes to get the filesystem quota code
working again under zfs and Solaris?
Best whishes, Jürgen
-- Hochschulrechenzentrum der | Mail: Juergen.Obermann@hrz.uni-giessen.de Justus-Liebig-Universitaet | WWW: http://www.uni-giessen.de/obermann/ Heinrich-Buff-Ring 44 | Tel: 0641-99-13054 (0641-99-13001) D-35392 Giessen, Germany | Fax: 0641-99-13009