Preliminary tests using [1]:
A) Login correctly using same login settings as IMAP (including TLS);
C) Edit script with user defined name;
D) Mark script as ACTIVE creates link in maildir;
As pointed out in the original report, to be complete, the managesieve daemon *must* validate the script (see the draft RFC section 2.6).
I'm going to stop working on my proof-of-concept managesieve daemon, since this is so much farther along...
I'm going to set up one of the web-based clients (either websieve or Smartsieve) and see what else I can test (the Mozilla plugin is not very stable).
According to what I've found listed here:
the libsieve supports more capabilities than that: SUBADDRESS IMAPFLAGS FILEINTO REGEX NOTIFY ENVELOPE VACATION
-- John Peacock Director of Information Research and Technology Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group 4501 Forbes Boulevard Suite H Lanham, MD 20706 301-459-3366 x.5010 fax 301-429-5748