Op 8-9-2015 om 13:10 schreef Hajo Locke:
Hello List,
i have a problem when using sieve-plugin sieve_extprograms. I use dovecot 2.2.18 and bundled pigeonhole 0.4.6 (Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS)
i have enabled sieve_extprograms and vnd.dovecot.filter to send mail to user-defined script and get changed content back. My script previously was used with procmail and is working fine. Using same script with vnd.dovecot.filter leads to odd behavior. I already found out the problem itself: By sending Mailcontent to filter-programm it seems that sieve/sieve_extprograms is adding additional linebreaks to every line of complete mail. Please see this image to clarify: http://r31i.imgup.net/header8d56.jpg?l=de Every lineending got additional windows-lineendings, which leads to problems with processing scripts. Piping mails by procmail to same script is working without problems, because this mails are recieved "clean" without the "^M".
Well, the specified format for an internet message like e-mail has CRLF line endings everywhere. That's why this happens now:
But maybe that is not such a good idea in a UNIX environment. I think I can just make it configurable.