2 Mar
2 Mar
5:23 a.m.
On Tue, 2 Mar 2004, Julian Melville wrote:
I'm puzzled... I'm running the Debian package of Dovecot on a Debian (testing) server, and it's basically doing nothing on startup for an extended period. After a while (maybe 10 minutes or more) it all suddenly starts working, all without logging anything untoward.
All the dovecot processes appear to start OK, and 'Dovecot starting up' is logged to the syslog. If you telnet to an IMAP or POP3 port at this point, it will successfully connect but there's no response (i.e. no '* OK dovecot ready').
How are your mailboxes arranged?
-- Jaldhar H. Vyas <jaldhar@debian.org> La Salle Debain - http://www.braincells.com/debian/