9 Jan
9 Jan
8:40 p.m.
On 9.1.2012, at 12.18, Urban Loesch wrote:
I'm using two dovecot pop3/imap proxies in front of our dovecot servers. Since some days I see many of the following errors in the logs of the two proxy-servers:
dovecot: pop3-login: Error: proxy: Remote "IPV6-IP":110 disconnected: Connection closed: Connection reset by peer (state=0): user=<myuser>, method=PLAIN, rip=remote-ip, lip=localip
When this happens the Client gets the following error from the proxy: -ERR [IN-USE] Account is temporarily unavailable.
The connection to remote server dies before authentication finishes. The reason for why that happens should be logged by the backend server. Sounds like it crashes. Check for ANY error messages in backend servers.