
I am using dovecot-0.99.14-8.fc4 in Fedora Core release 4 (Stentz), and is appears this message:

imap(testelabin): file mbox-rewrite.c: line 429 (mbox_write_header): assertion failed: (hdr_parsed_size.physical_size == hdr_size)

When I try to have access a very great mailbox(mbox) (99 MB) via Webmail SquirrelMail. My quota of record is of 250 MB, some suggestion?
Thanks a lot,

Clovis Tristao - UNICAMP/Faculdade de Engenharia Agricola
Administrador de Redes - Secao de Informatica (SINFO)
E-mail: clovis@agr.unicamp.br http://www.agr.unicamp.br
Fone(0xx19) 37881031-37881038 ou FAX(55xx19) 37881005/37881010