On 3 Sep 2019, at 19.08, R.N.S. via dovecot <dovecot@dovecot.org> wrote:

I tried this, but I have done something wrong probably.

I added this to 20-imap 20-pop 20-managesieve and 20-submission. Always in the protocol sections. I also disabled the passdb section from the auth-ldap.conf.ext in 10-auth and left over the userdb part.

Sep  3 17:57:24 mx dovecot: imap-login: Error: auth-client: conn unix:login: Timeout waiting for handshake from auth server.
my pid=16106, input bytes=0
Sep  3 17:57:24 mx dovecot: imap-login: Error: auth-client: conn unix:login: Timeout waiting for handshake from auth server.
my pid=16107, input bytes=0

Can somebody tell me which "things" need the userdb and which the passdb sections?

I am a little bit confused. Or do I have to add the above lines and is some inheritance working here?

Thanks in advance


I always use one flat dovecot.conf file. It is just so much more simpler and that way you can more easily ensure loading order of all settings.

Maybe you should too gather all settings you want to change to one config file and stop loading those in conf.d.

Also you can post your doveconf -n somewhere so that we can see what goes wrong.
