On Sat, 28 Jun 2014 14:30:31 +0200, Alexander Dalloz stated:
Am 28.06.2014 14:19, schrieb Jerry:
This is my first attempt to set up virtual users and sasl with Postfix.
Can I use a regular password file in this format:
user:{plain}password user2:{plain}password2
or do I need to use a different format? I have been trying to find an example of a virtual user SASL file, but without any luck. I suck at Googling too.
All of the mail will be delivered to :/var/mail/vmail/<domain>/<user>
Okay, bear with me now. I assume I should be using a file in this format:
user:{plain}pass:1000:1000::/home/user::userdb_mail=maildir:~/Maildir user2:{plain}pass2:1001:1001::/home/user2
Since all of the mail is going to be delivered as I showed above, how do I configure the line?
The virtual user "vmail" is 1002:1002 on my system.
-- Jerry