Read all about Extprograms, but have a question. Use case: Every day we have couple messages with attachment (from one sender, this is one-way communication). This attachment is uploads to ownCloud. By hand... need some automation. As I see, pipe cat execute scripts with text data USER/FROM/SUBJECT - and I think with variables it can be any text data, how about attachment?
How I see this: script executes and as arg receives from sieve attachment file, or message file and we can parse it for attachment. When we have attachment - upload to ownCloud via RESTapi and purge message.
Found some realization for encrypt messages https://github.com/EtiennePerot/gpgit/blob/master/encmaildir.sh but for me more easy just connect to IMAP and do what I want (but I love sieve).
Thanks. <http://wiki.dovecot.org/Pigeonhole/Sieve/Plugins/Extprograms>