Hello, I'm trying to set up a mailbox for a bunch of domains. To do so I'm running some docker containers (I know I can use multidomain set up and I'm doing so, but I need to have some domains on different containers for specific reasons).
In order to keep it all clean, I want to use different PostgreSQL databases for each container, and I'm running the container with an environment file containing database parameters, such as: DB_USER DB_HOST DB_NAME I've been trying to pass these parameters to dovecot's configuration, but they don't get parsed and I end up with messages like: dovecot: auth: Error: pgsql(%{env:DB_HOST}): Connect failed to database %{env:DB_NAME}
I've tried to pass variables alone, using import_environment = DB_HOST DB_NAME DB_USER, but I'm stuck at the same errors.
Is there anything I could do to fix this?
Thank you! Eudald