
In trying to debug a strange error where client can't login, I enabled all the usual debug settings, this is all good, it works for imap and pop3 fine, but the problem is when used with dovecot's LDA there is a nasty issue.

the file created by debug_log_path in this case /var/log/dovecot/debug.log , this file created as root, again this is fine for nice logging of imap and pop3, but this causes postfix not to deliver mail, for write permission denied, LDA runs as vmail, all my sub sections like *_listener also = vmail   and all my uid/gid settings are also to user/group vmail

obviously you wont main log files to not be owned by vmail for case of security, so is there a way to set the ownership of the debug file - apart from the obvious of remembering 40 minutes later when you get alert of high mailq level to chown the file :)

If there is no way, may the developers take this as a feature request please.