On 2006-06-05 23:45 +0200 Matthias Andree (matthias.andree@gmx.de) wrote:
C J Kenneth Tan -- OptimaNumerics <cjtan@OptimaNumerics.com> writes:
This isn't that unreasonable a setup - because the laptop may not be connected at all times, he wants to have a local MTA on the laptop to deposit mail into while offline. That MTA is configured to relay all mail via his primary MTA, which scans incoming/outgoing mail and delivers it to the appropriate remote MTA. As such, whether he is running postfix or qmail (or Sendmail) *on the laptop*, he wanted to know why POP-before-SMTP broke on his primary server.
See if http://wiki.dovecot.org/PopBSMTPAndDovecot helps. It looks relevant, at least if your server uses Dovecot and DRAC.
As far as I can see, the DRAC integration changed in beta4; the Wiki link at the very beginning has information that looks relevant to your problem.
Logically, it didn't sound to me that DRAC nor the info on the Wiki which relies on log file parsing would apply/solve the problem. So I decided that I will roll up my sleeves and dig around the code a bit. This is what I found:
-- begin --
diff dovecot-1.0.beta8/src/auth/passdb-vpopmail.c dovecot-1.0.beta3/src/auth/passdb-vpopmail.c 18a19,22
-- end --
Looking at the code in dovecot-1.0.beta8/src/auth/passdb-vpopmail.c, I see that HAVE_VPOPMAIL_OPEN_SMTP_RELAY need to be defined for open_smtp_relay() from Vpopmail library to be called. This was easily fixed by:
-- begin --
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/dovecot-1.0.beta8 CFLAGS="-DHAVE_VPOPMAIL_OPEN_SMTP_RELAY"
-- end --
I hope someone else who may face a similar problem would find this useful.