Thanks, that's basically the same as the man page. I finally figured out that the way to do it is with:
sieve-test -t - -Tlevel=tests .dovecot.sieve /xxx
where /xxx is the test message. That gives the actual line numbers. I thought I tried that combination, but apparently not. Anyway, I am going to save that command line somewhere "in a safe spot" ;-)
-- Doug
On 19 July 2022, at 23:35, Aki Tuomi <> wrote:
On 20/07/2022 09:34 EEST Doug Hardie <> wrote:
I encountered an interesting problem that one originator was being dumped into the Deleted file directly by my sieve. The sieve file was quite large and it was not obvious which entry was causing the issue. I recall there was a way to get sieve-test to show what is going on and which lines it used, but I could not replicate it tonight for anything. I ended up having to change all the deliver to the Deleted files to something else and test one at a time to find the offending entry. It took a long time. How do you get sieve-test to show the actual path it took through the file?
-- Doug
Hi Doug, take a loot at
It might help.
Kind regards, Aki