On Wed, 18 Aug 2010 09:12:11 -0500 Rick Romero <rick@havokmon.com> articulated:
Yuck. The problem with such a generalization as 'making things
easy', is that to do so the system needs to make decisions for the user.The reason I stay away from Windows is because it tends to make bad decisions.
Every application makes assumptions about what the end user needs. Dovecot as well as other applications such as Postfix have default configuration files. The end user is responsible for tweaking these files for their own preferences.
Windows has the same capabilities. In fact, I have virtually never found a setting that I could not change in a Windows environment. The fact is that all too many users fail to RTFM and simply blame Windows for their own laziness.
-- Jerry ✌ Dovecot.user@seibercom.net
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