28 May
28 May
2:41 p.m.
On 26.5.2005, at 21:25, Tero Ripattila wrote:
Hello Timo, I can reproduce this issue even with mmap_disable and mmap_no_write set to yes, please see the following back trace:
Can you do it always by giving some command, or does it just happen often? (how often?)
#0 0x1c03d7f2 in mail_transaction_log_view_set (view=0x3c020500, min_file_seq=8, min_file_offset=7148, max_file_seq=8, max_file_offset=7148, type_mask=8) at mail-transaction-log-view.c:102 102 if (min_file_seq == view->log->tail->hdr.prev_file_seq && (gdb)
Could you do here:
p *view.log p *view.log.tail