rpcgen it's required only at compiling time. Not for execution. The RPM package at https://mirror.ghettoforge.org/distributions/gf/el/9/testing/x86_64/ requiere rpcgen and this is not necesary.
Yes, the solution for me was just to install rpcgen and recompile the same SRPM provided by Rocky-Linux-9 sources.
Jorge Concha C. Área de Sistemas - CEC U. de Chile
On 29-12-22 01:52, Peter wrote:
On 29/12/22 14:01, Peter wrote:
On 29/12/22 07:30, Jorge Concha C. wrote:
Yes, same issue. Package installed: dovecot23-2.3.20-1.gf.el9.x86_64.rpm
And the solution for you simply involvs installing rpcgen during the configure and build stages? Are there any changes required to configure or build flags?
I looked at the config file and that indeed appears to be the case. Can you try the build I just did in gf-testing?