Dear Ralph,
Ah! You are right. My eyes are not working correctly. I kept thinking I was reading /va/mail/vmail etc.
Sorry for this and thank you very much for catching it!

On Fri, Feb 22, 2019 at 2:17 PM Ralph Seichter via dovecot <> wrote:
* Kunal A. via dovecot:

> Error: mkdir(/var/vmail/ failed: Permission
> denied (euid=5000(vmail) egid=5000(vmail) missing +w perm: /var, dir owned
> by 0:0 mode=0755)

The error message seems pretty clear. User 'vmail' does not have write
permissions for /var, which is owned by 'root'. I suggest you create
/var/vmail and grant the necessary permissions there.
